Net music: two to hear and see online
The Internet as a place for art and music. Since the 1990s, technical refinements to the Internet, a place accessible for everyone, have multiplied the avenues and approaches available for its artistic use. Often the works are self-reflexive and refer directly to the medium.
In the selected project
Approximations/Contradictions by
Ana Torfs artefacts of different art forms are synthesised into an intimate portrait of several amateur singers. Casting lists, documentary film shots, costuming, the choice of music — all serve to bring out the individual and very personal approaches to singing and especially to the songs of Hanns Eisler. In this project, it's specifically the interactive user interface, that common Internet feature, which confronts the user with the intimate character of the work.
The net music by
Guy van Belle / Akihiro Kubota society of algorithm takes a very different approach: they are interested in collaborative praxis and the processualisation of music. Via an online feedback mechanism that slowly changes, visitors to the website can intervene in the algorithms' visualisation and sonification processes.
Ana Torfs [B]
Approximations/Contradictions 2004
A group of very different and talented people interpret songs from Hanns Eisler's Hollywood Songbook. The assembled presentation has something very entertaining and beautiful about it, but also something disquieting and defeated.
society of algorithm [Guy van Belle/Akihiro Kubota/Isjtar] [BE/SK, JP, BE/CN]
of algorithm 2006
During the festival, the
society of algorithm will create an Internet piece based on an evolving matrix
that is read as picture and sound.