Oliver Bokan [A] Gespräch unter vier Augen 2005/2006 laboratorium
Allianzgebäude am Ostbahnhof Sound scuplture: 2 DVD player + 5 mini-stereo hi-fi systems + 10 loudspeaker + galvanized steel shelving [250x304x30cm] looped, 3 audio pieces, Duration: 1′40 + 3′06 + 2′30 + 2′ silence, looped
Class Bernhard Leitner Vienna
Allianzgebäude am Ostbahnhof Sound scuplture: 2 DVD player + 5 mini-stereo hi-fi systems + 10 loudspeaker + galvanized steel shelving [250x304x30cm] looped, 3 audio pieces, Duration: 1′40 + 3′06 + 2′30 + 2′ silence, looped
Class Bernhard Leitner Vienna

Silence. Suddenly a blow. An acoustic battle flares up between two persons, objects and persons fly through the air, glass and wood is smashed, a toilet is flushed. In classic martial arts manner, two women go for the jugular.
A bus passes and halts ... a door opens ... panting ... silence.
Audio found-footage is used in this work. Sound fragments from the films "Kill Bill 1 & 2" by Quentin Tarantino are analysed, fragmented and mounted into new simultaneous three-dimensional sound sequences. [...]
Through the transfer of a flat film and its soundtrack to a three-dimensional sculpture, film reality is deconstructed and a new physically experienceable reality is constructed. In the created soundspace, the protagonists achieve a physical presence that has bodily impact. .
Silence. Suddenly a blow. An acoustic battle flares up between two persons, objects and persons fly through the air, glass and wood is smashed, a toilet is flushed. In classic martial arts manner, two women go for the jugular.
A bus passes and halts ... a door opens ... panting ... silence.
Audio found-footage is used in this work. Sound fragments from the films "Kill Bill 1 & 2" by Quentin Tarantino are analysed, fragmented and mounted into new simultaneous three-dimensional sound sequences. [...]
Through the transfer of a flat film and its soundtrack to a three-dimensional sculpture, film reality is deconstructed and a new physically experienceable reality is constructed. In the created soundspace, the protagonists achieve a physical presence that has bodily impact. .
Oliver Bokan,
born 1973 in Munich, lives and works in Vienna. 1996-2001 studied theatre
and art history at the Universität Wien. 2001 - 2005 studied interdisciplinary
art with Bernhard Leitner; since fall 2005 under Erwin Wurm at the Universität
für angewandte Kunst, Vienna.
Exhibitions: the essence (exhibition of the Univ. für Angewandte Kunst) Künstlerhaus Wien 2002, Soundtrack for a public space Q21-Museumsquartier Wien 2004. Projects: video for the production »The Legal Errorist« and »Diese Körper diese Spielverderber« at the Akademietheater Vienna 2004 [Chris Haring]; stage design and video for the production Quartett [Director: Alexander Charim] at Theaterdiscounter Berlin 2005.
Exhibitions: the essence (exhibition of the Univ. für Angewandte Kunst) Künstlerhaus Wien 2002, Soundtrack for a public space Q21-Museumsquartier Wien 2004. Projects: video for the production »The Legal Errorist« and »Diese Körper diese Spielverderber« at the Akademietheater Vienna 2004 [Chris Haring]; stage design and video for the production Quartett [Director: Alexander Charim] at Theaterdiscounter Berlin 2005.