Denise Ritter
[D] Flöz Tauentzien 2006 Sound
installation / Acoustic floor sculpture laboratorium
Allianz building at Ostbahnhof 10 loudspeaker
boxes (30 x 30 x 30 cm) + 1 DVD player +
1 amplifier + multi-channel-composition ca.
21 minutes, looped Class Christina Kubisch

The sound installation is an acoustic wall sculpture. It is meant to symbolise a working [mine] seam, and so to make visible and, most of all, audible, the tremendous dimensions of the geological processes and physical forces that go into the creation of hard coal, and also the enormous technological and human efforts connected with the demand.
The installation consists of several dark black loudspeaker boxes, whose irregular jutting forms recall the geological layers and boulders that appear to be breaking through the wall to the surface. Recordings that I made by day at blast furnaces and steelworks, i.e. at all stations of the coal and steel industry, are the starting material for the composition.
Denise Ritter,
born in Rodalben, lives in Saarbrücken. Since 2003, she has studied fine
arts at the Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar, majoring in audiovisual
art under Prof. Christina Kubisch. At the centre of her artistic work is a
focus on Saarland's coal and steel industry, which she had already dealt with
when studying the field of geography. Recordings that she makes by day at
blast furnaces and steelworks are the basis for the compositions in her sound
installations. Three CDs titled “Schachtanlage Gegenort” have
already been released.