Marcel Sägesser
[CH] Jubeltöne2006 Interactive
sound installation about the zither, for zither, computer and loudspeaker
laboratorium Allianzgebäude am
Ostbahnhof Daniel Weissberg [project advisor]
Class Valerian Maly Bern

[...] At the centre of the room, a »Jubeltöne«
zither waits for the visitor. And speaks to him/her. Through a loudspeaker
built into the sound hole, the Swiss zither soloist Lorenz Mühlemann
tells us many things about the zither. His flow of words can be briefly stopped
only by plucking the zither's strings.
In addition, visitors – depending on how they play the instrument – trigger zither music that itself reacts to their playing. The interactivity between player and storyteller is of essence. After a while, the played phrases return, drown out the storyteller's torrent of words, and mix with new kinds of abstract zither sounds that are generated in real time – again dependent on how the visitor plays. What develops is a multilayered collage that contains both informative and documentary material as well as exciting sounds – a kind of installational radio feature.
In addition, visitors – depending on how they play the instrument – trigger zither music that itself reacts to their playing. The interactivity between player and storyteller is of essence. After a while, the played phrases return, drown out the storyteller's torrent of words, and mix with new kinds of abstract zither sounds that are generated in real time – again dependent on how the visitor plays. What develops is a multilayered collage that contains both informative and documentary material as well as exciting sounds – a kind of installational radio feature.
Marcel Sägesser,
born 1984 in Bern, Switzerland. Lives and works in Bern. Lessons in classical
violin, studied music and media art at the Hochschule der Künste Bern
under Daniel Weissberg and Michael Harenberg. After many musical experiences
in bands and with small projects, his ideas in the areas of music and media
art bore fruit, resulting in experimental videos, sound installations, music
for films, and radio features. 2005 participant in Peter Scherer's master
class in film composition, 2006 in the Hardware Hacking master class of Nicolas