Nina Fischer/Maroan el Sani & Robert Lippok |
Radio Solaris. Erinnerungen an die Zukunft Performances
Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz. Sun 4.6. 21:00
New film works by Nina Fischer and Maroan el Sani
with live music by Robert Lippock, electronics. Radio Solaris / -273,15°C =0Kelvin [double projection, DV, stereo, colour, 16 minutes, 2004 — with, live: Robert Lippok, electronics with Johann von Schubert, drums and percussion] TME — Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway, [ double projection, DV, Stereo, colour, 4 minutes, 2004— with, live: Robert Lippok, electronics with Johann von Schubert, drums and percussion.] Toute la mémoire du monde — Alles Wissen dieser Welt [double projection, 35mm film transferred to HD, stereo, colour, 9 minutes, 2006 — filmmusic: Patric Catani.] Schwarzes Metall, Robert Lippok live [ca. 35′minutes 2006, with Johann von Schubert, drums and percussion.]
In cooperation with Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz.
Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz. Sun 4.6. 21:00
New film works by Nina Fischer and Maroan el Sani
with live music by Robert Lippock, electronics. Radio Solaris / -273,15°C =0Kelvin [double projection, DV, stereo, colour, 16 minutes, 2004 — with, live: Robert Lippok, electronics with Johann von Schubert, drums and percussion] TME — Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway, [ double projection, DV, Stereo, colour, 4 minutes, 2004— with, live: Robert Lippok, electronics with Johann von Schubert, drums and percussion.] Toute la mémoire du monde — Alles Wissen dieser Welt [double projection, 35mm film transferred to HD, stereo, colour, 9 minutes, 2006 — filmmusic: Patric Catani.] Schwarzes Metall, Robert Lippok live [ca. 35′minutes 2006, with Johann von Schubert, drums and percussion.]
In cooperation with Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz.

Zero degrees on the Kelvin
scale is absolute zero, the lowermost limit of the temperature scale. According
to Nernst's heat theorem, the absolute zero of 273,15°C = 0 Kelvin is
fundamentally unattainable. Kelvin, the hero of Andrei Tarkovsky's science
fiction film Solaris, has once more set off, this time not to liquidate the
space station »Solaris«, but for the former GDR broadcasting centre
on Nalepastraße in Berlin. As in Solaris, a mysterious disorder in the
broadcasting centre leads to a process of dissolution, whose force materialises
desires, memories and traumata as »guests«. In
a double projection, Kelvin's subjective eye glides slowly through
the empty rooms. What is seen and what is imagined unfold in parallel fashion,
the past in the present. If the future hasn't become what it was once meant
to be, does that then mean, arguing to the contrary, that in the future, the
past can be corrected at will? Both showplaces, the space station Solaris
and the GRD broadcasting centre on Nalepastraße, testify to a failed
utopia. TME – Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway
1970/2005 »For their 10-part video installation Radio Solaris
/ 273,15°C = 0 Kelvin at the Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media, Japan,
Fischer and el Sani produced a new section in Tokyo – a double projection
with two trips on the expressway. One projection shows an original scene from
Tarkovsky's Solaris (1970), a ride on the TME; the other a remake of this
scene, shot in 2005. Both sequences are much the same, only the brief moments
outside the tunnel give the idea that time has passed, because there are more,
and bigger, high-rise buildings.« Robert Lippok
on the music: The significant thing about the levels of sound in Tarkovsky's
films is often the way noises and music are interwoven. On one hand, the noises
that – sometimes through exaggeration, sometimes through alienation
– make conventional film music completely superfluous. On the other,
the music, often generated electronically, whose strangeness creates what
he calls an »ersatz reality«. In Solaris these two elements mix
in an ingenious way and generate an intense atmosphere that goes far beyond
mere illustration of the pictures.
Nina Fischer, born 1965 in Emden Maroan el Sani, 1966 in Duisburg; Robert Lippok, born 1966 in Berlin; all live and work in Berlin.