Donatella Landi
Donatella Landi
Plan de Poche 2004 Exhibition Akademie der Künste am Pariser PLatz
Sound map of the Paris Metro in 18 sound excursions. Sound installation for a wooden object+18 CDs+8 headphones+4 4"-LCD monitors. Total duration of the recordings: 15 hours 19 minutes.
In collaboration with SoundArtMuseum — RadioArteMobile, Rom.
Plan de Poche 2004, Sound map of the Paris Metro. Inaudita SoundArtMuseum Rom 2005.
While making the recordings in the Paris Metro, I carefully wrote down the entrances and exits of the Metro stations, the train numbers, the connections, the transfer stations, until I had travelled the entire underground network. It was important to me to record all the contact points with cartographic precision and to give myself a framework based on these fixed points.
Each sound excursion started up at street level; then came the sounds of the passengers' steps going downstairs and through the long passages and corridors underground, the wait on the platform, the arrival of the trains, their stops, and the re-emergence into the visible part of the city. Each sound journey lasts as long as the actual trip.
I have recorded/drawn this map with holophonic headset microphones. These register sounds the way they are perceived by the human ear. And I outlined, with great precision, each section of the Metro I found my way into. After a time, I felt like an endoscopic probe that penetrates a body. The holophonic headsets turned me into a pencil that jotted down my sound journeys and, at the same time, into a catalyst for the sounds around me.
The most surprising elements were, as so often happens, the peculiarities produced by everyday life that were digitally captured. Plan de poche embodies the image of actual physical presence and of actual space as an acoustic log. I have drawn an acoustic map that consists of the Metro lines, and was at times overwhelmed by the sonic beauty that people are capable of producing.

From the 13th trip
Viens de voir les monstres
Ah non, c’est pas le …
Qu’est-ce que tu veux dire …
Je regarde …
Ah oui c’est vrai, ah oui t’as raison, oui, oui
Il était passé vite en plus …
Je ne me rappelle plus, écoutes, je ne me rappelle plus
À jeudi
À jeudi d’accord …
À demain
À demain
Donatella Landi, born 1958 in Rome, lives and works in Rome.
Adel Abdessemed/Silvia Ocougne
Dave Allen
Alfred Behrens
Maria Blondeel
Reinhard Blum/Uwe Bressnik
Jens Brand
Candice Breitz
Building Transmissions & Douglas Park
Janet Cardiff/George Bures Miller
Nicolas Collins
Alvin Curran
Joanna Dudley
Ulrich Eller
David First
Nina Fischer/Maroan el Sani & Robert Lippok
Terry Fox
Bernhard Gál
Seppo Gründler
Gut & Rist aka Gutarist
Carl Michael von Hauswolff & freq_out orchestra
Susan Hiller
Robert Jacobsen
Rolf Julius
Georg Klein/Steffi Weismann
Katjia Kölle
Christina Kubisch
Hans Peter Kuhn
Tilman Küntzel
Kalle Laar
Donatella Landi
Bernhard Leitner
Aernout Mik
Robin Minard
Ricardo Miranda Zuñiga
Helen Mirra
Michael Muschner
Carsten Nicolai
Andreas Oldörp
Finnbogi Pétursson
Werner Reiterer
Robin Rimbaud aka scanner
Julian Rosefeldt
Klara Schilliger/Valerian Maly
society of algorithm [Guy van Belle/Akihiro Kubota]
Jan-Peter E.R. Sonntag
tamtam [Sam Auinger/Hannes Strobl]
Ana Torfs
Edwin van der Heide
Maurice van Tellingen
Stephen Vitiello
Kris Vleeschouwer
Heinz Weber
Achim Wollscheid
Miki Yui
Artur Zmijewski

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