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Gpod 2006 Exhibition
Ehemalige Polnische Botschaft Unter den Linden
Installation/Performance — Programming/Construction: Sukandar Kartadinata [] Logo & Design [Flyer & Anzeige]: Christa Marek []
Gplayer has been made possible by the festival PER-SON Raumklang-Klangraum. Sukandar Kartadinata's contribution is supported by tesla–berlin e.v.
Installation/Performance — Programming/Construction: Sukandar Kartadinata [] Logo & Design [Flyer & Anzeige]: Christa Marek []
Gplayer has been made possible by the festival PER-SON Raumklang-Klangraum. Sukandar Kartadinata's contribution is supported by tesla–berlin e.v.

What is a GPod? Brand-Europe
has decided to make the GP4 audio experience portable! On the way to work,
on vacation, at the beach, on the train or on the mountaintop – with
the GPod, the earth can be played everywhere. Tied only to satellites' orbits,
your ear transits our small blue planet at record speeds of up to an unbelievable
30,000 km/h. Or would you rather be a little more comfortable? Then just scroll
to a geostationary satellite with the practical Click Wheel and crawl over
the topography like a gigantic glacier! The Earth
is a Disc: What is the GP4 anyway? The GP4 (Global Player 04) functions
like a regular CD or record player. But instead of vinyl or compact discs,
it plays the earth. The Player recognises the positions of over 1500 satellites
and, using a virtual 3-dimensional model of the planet, allows us to listen
to the imaginary track taken by a chosen satellite across the earth's surface
in real time. The GP4 can be integrated into any hi-fi equipment. Whether
your interest lies in METEOSAT, ORBVIEW or another of the artificial celestial
bodies, the GP4 shows you what it's all about when you're hearing the globe
from way out! Lower data transmission rate – more moderate price! Can
I afford it? An Italian saying goes: in this world, luxury doesn't
come cheap but beauty is priceless. Of course, the GP-Store gives away as
little as life does – but we think that it all should still be financially
feasible. Unlike its big brother the GP4, the GPod is a high-end product at the consumer
level. And who knows – maybe you have an old »i-pod« in
your closet that you want to get rid of?* We will be happy to modify it –
and we can talk about the price!GPod is a product of the G-Class of the Brand-Europe
Group, manufactured by the glui company. *
This offer is good only until July 2006 in connection with an I-pod photo,